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Friends and Family: Join my Network of friends here

Wow another new section has been added to my site the ability to post your own personal profile and meet new people! I encourage all my friends and family to add your profile. This will make it easier to get together in the future and or plan future events such as christmas and thanksgiving get tog-ethers enjoy this free service! here
My Pictures: New Pictures Added 1/3/2005
I am always out and about with my new digital camera and I always post new pictures to the site. Keep checking back to see if there are any new pictures or movies. To watch the movies you need Quicktime so please go here to download this plugin.
Free Greeting Cards: Over 500 New Cards!
Now with over 500 new cards to send why not send someone you know a free e-greeting today! Check out our catagories: Thank You, I Miss You, Groundhog's Day, Sympathy, My Trips, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Birthday, Friends, Just Because, Get Well, Romance, Celebrations.
View my web design and animation work!
View my online portfolio here.
Download my Resume
Teaching Resume download here
Graphics Resume download here
Get Adobe Reader download here
News and Updates
For the most complete list of News and Updates then keep your eye on the "stuff" area.
My Stats
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 148lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Birthday: August, 31 1978
Contact Me
Do you need to get in touch with me? Because I live in Korea, The best way to contact me is via email. To send me an email just click here.