Support Center : Be Fit
Common Questions Need more help?
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How do I install Be Fit?
Simply download and mount the .dmg file and it will show up as a disk image on your desktop. From there drag the BeFit to your application folder to install. To uninstall simply drag the entire application to the trash. BeFit will work on 10.3 and later and is a universal application!
How do I make food lists?
Making lists is easy, just press the + button on the bottom left hand corner and it will automatically generate a new list. To name the list just click once and it will enter edit mode. Type in the name for your new list. To remove a list just select the list you wish to delete and press the delete key.
How do I add items to my lists?
To view all the food items choose the Food Library list in the left side menu. This will automatically show you all 7500+ foods in the database. You can scroll down and add the foods you want by clicking on the food and dragging it into a list. If you cant find the food you want then search for it in the search field above. The built in Spotlight Technology will narrow down the library based on your search for ease of use.
How do I save my data?
Thats the beauty of BeFit you do not need to save, each time you quit or open the program it reads from a recent backup of your data. Each time you quit a new backup image is automatically created and stored. You will never loose your data with BeFit.
How do I read the graph?
The graph is used in each list that you create. What ever food item gets put in the list affects the graph below. The graph shows total nutrients in percent per graph. The graphing really is helpful to see exactly what nutrients you need more of and which ones you should eliminate or reduce.
What is the eye icon for?
The eye or Quick Look icon is the ability to preview any food items nutrition data before you add it to your list. For example if you choose the Food Library and then you choose a food you will see the data change in the Nutrition Facts panel. You can show or hide this panel by pressing on the Quick Look icon.
How do I sort my Food Lists?
To sort your food list simply press on the blue headers over the food data. When you press on these food headers a small triangle will appear. When the list is sorted via ascending order then the triangle will be pointing up. When the list is sorted via descending order then the triangle will be pointing down.
What is the drop down list for?
In each list view there are three columns. The Foods, Calories and Fat you can change the third column to whatever you wish to view. So if you were diabetic you might want to view Foods, Calories and Sugars in this case choose Sugars from the drop down list and the third column will change from Fats to Sugars.
Have a problem or question to report?
If you've encountered a problem and your question is not answered here, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Please make sure to mention which version of Be Fit you have.