Support Center : OSX Widgets
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How do I install an OSX Widget?
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger or later is required. If your using Safari, click the download link. When the widget download is complete, show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widgets icon in the Widget Bar to open it. If your using a browser other than Safari, click the download link. When the widget download is complete, unarchive it and place it in /Library/Widgets/ in your home folder. show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widgets icon in the Widget Bar to open it.
How do I uninstall an OSX Widget?
If you've downloaded and installed additional widgets in Dashboard, you can later remove them. Open Dashboard, then click the Open ( ) button to reveal the widget bar. Click Manage Widgets to open the Widgets Dashboard widget. Widgets that can be removed have a red Remove (-) button after their names. Click the Remove (-) button to remove the widget. Click OK to confirm that you want to move the widget to the Trash. You cannot remove the standard Mac OS X widgets that come with Dashboard, only widgets that you've added.
What does the deficit widget show?
The widget compares the two funds, social security vs the national debt. Which one has the problem and how exactly do we solve the problem? That is the question posed by this widget. It simply shows that the social security fund, is in fact growing but at an alarmingly slower rate than our national debt. As we grow deeper in debt the fund risks the possibility that the US Government may or may not use the social security fund as a way to pay off the federal debt.
Is the population counter accurate?
No, the population of the world can not really be accurately calculated however this is pretty close. We started from a constant world population based off of the world census. This was then calculated at an average of 7 births and 10 deaths per second. Now there are far more then these, however this will give you an idea how rapidly the population of the world is growing.
How accurate is the time machine widget?
The time machine widget at some points in time is quite accurate. However October is the 8th month because at the time (45 BC), the year began in March. This causes a two month lapse in certain time periods that I was unable to correct. All dates prior to 45 BC are simply two months off.
Can I convert human age into dog years?
Yes, that is the whole point. Simply flip over the widget and enter your age. If you are 31 years old, then you are an astounding 217 years old in dog years. You can not convert dog years into human years as of yet, but I will add this functionality soon.
Why did you make a pig latin widget?
As a tribute to the three stooges I created the pig latin widget. As a way to entertain your friends use the pre-written texts on the back of the widget to auto translate. You can also export these translations into a text file. Plus create your own great pigisms by adding your favorite phrase or text into the speech bubble.
Have a problem or an idea for a widget?
If you've encountered a problem and your question is not answered here, please feel free to contact us at

If you have a suggestion for a widget please contact me at