Computer Support Pricing Plans



Includes simple but powerful support for up startups with one location and a small team.

  • 8 hrs On Site Support
  • 8 hrs Remote Support
  • 1 Monitored System
  • 1 Location
  • 8/5 Remote support
  • Network Management



For cutting edge companies looking to stay competitive in the market and to grow with the technology.

  • 24 hrs On Site Support
  • 24 hrs Remote Support
  • 3 Monitored Systems
  • Multiple Locations
  • 8/5 Remote support
  • Network Management



Everything you can get from a our business solution and more to keep your business on track for success.

  • 48 hrs On Site Support
  • 48 hrs Remote Support
  • 4 Monitored Systems
  • Multiple Locations
  • 8/7 Remote support
  • Network Management
All on-site hours are now remote hours in the wake of COVID-19.

All our annual plans include

We provide best in class tools that help us keep your systems running smoothly.

First class support

You get to schedule onsite work with at least 1 week notice and remote work with little to no notice to the location noted in the agreement.

Monitoring Software

Sit back and relax and let your Mac do the heavy lifting. Our monitoring tool alerts us whenever there is a problem on your mac so we can handle it proactively.

Full documentation

Whenever we complete a project or solve a problem we document that internally and provide that to our clients. We also encrypt sensitive shared passwords & emails.

Fleet Management

Our systems manage your software, updates from Apple, and only allow trusted, tested and vetted items to be installed on your workstations.

Security Tools

We ensure that viruses and malware items are identified and removed from all workstations in a systematic and predictable way.

Quarterly Review

We sit down with all our clients on a quarterly basis to ensure overall clarity and satisfaction. We also project plan and prioritize future projects, tickets and more.

Asset Management

We catalog and maintain an active inventory list of all your deployed computers and IT hardware. We help you see the entire picture of your entire fleet.

Monthly Reports

We send you a monthly report so you can see what we have done. It also will show any outstanding issues and an at a glance view of all systems that are doing great.

Helpdesk Platform

We let you login and see all active open tickets from anyone at your organization so you can prioritize, review, approve or deny any action on any active task in the queue.

Do you have questions

Are you getting the best support for your team? Need more clarity on our support plans?

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we hear from our happy customers

We offer best in class Network Management and VOIP services that are not included in the packages above. Enterprise customers get Network Management but additional Network support plans exist to help ensure overall stability.
We strive to hit a 30 min response time for all requests that come into our support helpdesk. We guarantee a response in an hour at a minimum.
Typically for a support plan we monitor and will manage servers *(BIM, OSX Server, Windows Server, RAID Server etc.. ) or any non-network based appliance. Due to the overall complexity of Network Management and support we charge for that as a separate service.
Call our Network Operations Center, at the number you were given during your on-boarding as a Grove Technologies customer or email

Not ready to sign a contract?

You can still give us a try!

  • Billed in 30 minute increments with a 2 hour minimum for on site visits.
  • Prepaid hours do not roll over so use them or lose them.
  • A discount will be applied on all prepaid hourly allotments in blocks of 10 or more.

Our Hourly Rate


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VOIP / SIP Pricing

We provide top tier level VOIP and SIP services. Our phone services save you money and frustration. You can see our pricing here.

Network Pricing

Let us manage your network from top to bottom. See how we can help you stabilize your network systems and save you money. See our pricing here.