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Draw a 6 X 6 grid on the board and label the horizontal top A,B,C,D,E,F,G Label the vertical down 1,2,3,4,5,6. Once you have the grid, draw a bit of water in each square. Explain to the students that this is the ocean, and that there are some ships that are hidden and if they choose the correct square they can sink the ship. Then draw, 4 ships, one ship will be the longest, tell the students that this ship spans over three squares. They must find the entire ship in order to sink it. Draw a smaller ship and tell them that this ship spans over 2 squares. I would draw two of these ships as it heightens the excitement of the game. Finally draw a single ship that will fit in one square, this will be the hardest to find and the most valuable points wise. Now that the setup is done, split the class into two teams, and give them each a number. Have the two number 1 students stand, ask them a question, have them answer the one to answer correctly can choose a square. If its a tie settle it by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Bomb Bomb Game
This is a classic at the school that I work at. Preparation: You must draw the grid on a piece of paper before hand and draw shapes or symbols inside. I use the triangle, circle, square and the bomb. The circle is worth 100 points and each shapes points increase respectively. The bomb is worth minus 100 points. Now draw a 3 X 7 grid on the board vertically. Write A,B,C over the top three rows and then number the columns 1-7 vertically down. Then make a grid by drawing lines horizontally and vertically across and down. Now explain to the students that there are circles, squares, triangles and bombs inside this grid. Explain the point system and how to play. Leave the grid blank, ask a question to the student. When they get the question correct then they are able to choose a square. Reveal the shape inside the square and award the appropriate points.

Hot Potato
This is a classic children's game that I have adapted to work in the ESL classroom for the use of practicing and reviewing numbers. This game is great because all you do is count, and when you say stop the person with the ball must enter the center of the circle until the next person gets out and then they change places. You can modify the game yet again by first reviewing the numbers by writing them on the board and then randomly circling the numbers that will in turn get them out if they have the ball at that time. This heightens excitement as they can both hear and see when the number is approaching.

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