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966 Hansung Richville #301, Hwajung,

Dokuang-gu, Koyang-Shi,Kyunggi-do,

Republic of South Korea


To Whom It May Concern:


      I am writing this letter on behalf of Jon Brown a teacher here at the Wonderland school system in Hwajung, South Korea. He has been a teacher at our school for the past two years for the term of 2003-2004 and served as our senior foreign teacher for the term of 2004-2005. It has been my pleasure and honor to employ such a talented teacher such as Jon. He worked well with the teachers, and also with his teammates, in and around the office he maintained a professional appearance and demeanor. He was highly respected by his peers and students alike. I am very excited to be able to write this letter of recommendation as he has brought our school prosperity and overwhelming happiness, and it is our great loss to see him go.

      I have seen Jon, grow from a new beginning teacher in 2003 to our head teacher in 2005. He shows great enthusiasm in the classroom and always plans his classes well. He entertains the kids as well as teaches them and we have had the best graduating classes in the time that he has been here teaching at our school. Jon has also been an inspiration for his fellow teachers and teammates, as he helps them come up with creative ideas to present in and outside of the classroom.

      Jon has also helped us develop a comprehensive curriculum for some of our most advanced and beginner classes. He has brought insight to the school and he has been a breath of fresh air. I am pleased with his time here in Korea. I recommend him highly for any teaching or administrative position in or around a public school or private institution. I recommend him for any teaching position teaching either adults or children alike, as he is very versatile and can work with almost any age group at any given notice, without hesitation or problems.

      A lot of our school policies have changed due to Jons efforts here at the school. Jon has helped implement a discipline program that the kids and parents here in Korea can adhere to. He has helped the school develop a sense of pride in our school as well as the immense amount of input and effort that he provides at every staff meeting. He is a great person, with a likeable personality and also a dedicated hard worker. I have never had a problem with Jon attending class late or missing class for any reason. He has been a diligent worker who has excelled in almost every facet at the school.

      He has been at the school for two years and we will all miss him very much. His spark, personality and drive has made him a great teacher and a great person to have known. I recommend him in the highest regard possible. It has been my extreme pleasure and honor to have served as his supervisor here at Wonderland.









Director / Vice President
Wonderland Schools


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