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Graphic Design Resume Teaching Resume Recomendation 1 2 3 4

966 Hansung Richville #301, Hwajung,

 Dokuang-gu, Koyang-Shi,Kyunggi-do,

Republic of South Korea


To Whom It May Concern:


      As the owner and president of Wonderland schools and its subsidiaries, it is my honor to write this letter of recommendation for Jon Brown. It was a sense of fate I believe that has brought him into our school as he never applied to our school directly. It is our practice here at the school to hire our teachers through a recruiter and Jon, was the teacher we were placed and most impressed with. He had been working in Mongolia and in China, when we had received his application and we were a little skeptical of his abilities to teach children at first as his experience in Mongolia and China were both with teaching adults. We gave him a trial month and he stretched his legs and dove right in.

      Every month since that month he has shown more and more of his infinite abilities as a teacher and as a person. It�s been amazing to watch as he has proved himself as a great teacher time and time again. I am reminded of several events that Jon was directly responsible for. One of such events was the speech contest activity day where each child memorized a short poem and then said it in front of the other students. Again he impressed us with his abilities as a creative teacher when he created a working volcano model and a complete model of the entire solar system with one of his elementary school classes.

      He has shown himself as a reliable teacher, over the past two years he was given eight sick days and only took two of them out of two full year contracts, which is unheard of. His professional attitude and appearance was a great addition to our current staff at the time. He left at the end of his first year, and went home for a month, during that time the school fell into a state of disarray, and we saw just how much we needed him. We hired him back for the second school year and it has been the best honor to have had such a great employee here at my school. He has brought the school fortune and great memories that, I will never forget and will cherish forever.

      I recommend Jon for any position that you have to offer him. He is a great teacher and It has been my distinct honor and privilege to have had him working at my school. I wish him the best of luck in any venture that he is pursuing. I am supremely confident that he will impress you the same that he has impressed us countless times. He is a dedicated hard worker with a great work ethic, which is hard to find these days.  Please take good care of our wonderful teacher.








CJ Park

Owner, Wonderland Schools



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