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Effortlessly track calories burned by a huge database of workout routines.

Our Widgets

The Calorie Counter 4.3

Calorie Counter is a Dashboard widget that is simple and easy to use and is vital to determining your physical health.

All you do is imput your current weight and then imput the amount of miles that you ran or will run and then the widget will calculate how many calories you have burned or will burn. Calorie Counter 4.3 has a bigger user interface with the same physical size as before to help maximize calculations. This version has three additional calculators and they all have metric support.


The Calorie Counter 4.3

The calculators include a BMI calculator, Activity Calculator, Distance Calculator, Max Rep Calculator, Carbohydrate calculator. Calorie Counter 4.3 has a bigger user interface with the same physical size as before to help maximize calculations. This version has three additional calculators and they all have metric support.

Version 4.3:
  • Fixed minor spelling errors in interface.
  • Increased inch field to handle double digits.
  • Registration system for free updates for life.
  • Fixed a glitch with "Done" button and "i" button.
  • Greater stability with the new release of Leopard.
  • Update checker enhanced.

  • $4.00                             

    Support Center

    Installing the Calorie Counter

    Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is required. If your using Safari, click the download link. When the widget download is complete, show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widgets icon in the Widget Bar to open it. If your using a browser other than Safari, click the download link. When the widget download is complete, unarchive it and place it in /Library/Widgets/ in your home folder. show Dashboard, click the Plus sign to display the Widget Bar and click the widgets icon in the Widget Bar to open it.

    Uninstalling the Calorie Counter

    If you've downloaded and installed additional widgets in Dashboard, you can later remove them. Open Dashboard, then click the Open ( ) button to reveal the widget bar. Click Manage Widgets to open the Widgets Dashboard widget. Widgets that can be removed have a red Remove (-) button after their names. Click the Remove (-) button to remove the widget. Click OK to confirm that you want to move the widget to the Trash. You cannot remove the standard Mac OS X widgets that come with Dashboard, only widgets that you've added.

    Is this a Food Tracker?

    No, this is a calorie counter, meaning it counts the calories that you burn. Yes, its important not only to count the calories going into your body but also how many you are burning.

    Using the Menu

    To access the menu for the different calculators simply click on the top of the widget and you will notice that the menu will drop down below.

    Activity Calculator Help

    The activity calculator has two versions an american version using inches and pounds. The other version is a european version that deals in metrics. To use the calculator simply enter all the information into the appropriate field. Choose an activity and it will calculate the amount of calories burned. To choose MPH / KPH manipulate the miles and time drop downs. To increase your speed choose your time vs your miles ran that will give you your accurate MPH and will calculate the calories accordingly.

    Carb Calculator Help

    This calculator works by using the formula (Fat X 9) (Carb X 4) (Protein X 4) = Calories. The calculator takes the difference between the calories listed on the label and the calculated calories and divides that result by 4 to arrive at the answer. It then adds that number of grams to the carbohydrate grams listed on the label. This hidden carb calculator assumes that all missing calories are from hidden carbohydrates.

    Distance Calculator Help

    The distance calculator has two versions an american version using inches and pounds. The other version is a european version that deals in metrics. Simply fill in all the data for the distance calculator and it will calculate the calories burned while running.

    BMI Calculator Help

    The bmi calculator has two versions an american version using inches and pounds. The other version is a european version that deals in metrics. Simply fill in the calculator and it will spit out your BMI rank and your status.

    Switch Between Calculators

    To switch between calculators simply click the title "Calorie Counter" on the head of the widget and a menu will appear. Once the menu appears choose a calculator of your choice and it will appear in the main widget area.

    What is BMI?

    Today, obesity is most often measured by using a mathematical formula called a Body Mass Index. BMI can be determined by dividing your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared and then multiplying by 705. For example, a woman who is 5'6" and weighs 190 would have a BMI of 31.

    Height of 5'6" = 66 inches 66 squared = 4,356 190 divided by 4,356 = 0.0436 0.0436 x 705 = 30.75 (which would be rounded up to a BMI of 31)

    What does BMI mean?

    An individual is considered underweight if their BMI is less than 18.5.

    A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered a "normal" weight.

    A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight.

    Individuals who fall into the BMI range of 25 to 34.9 begin having some health risk concerns. Specifically those who have a waist size of more than 40 inches for men, or 35 inches for women, have a higher risk for obesity-related health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

    A BMI of 30 or more qualifies as individual as obese.

    A BMI over 40 indicates that a person is morbidly obese.

    Max Rep Calculator?

    The max rep calculator has two versions an american version using inches and pounds. The other version is a european version that deals in metrics. Fill in all the required information and it will calculate your Max Rep for that weight.

    Missing Carb Calculator Help

    The missing carb calculator has only one version an american version. This is due to the fact that we all use Grams when using food measurements. To find your missing carbs in a food or hidden fats enter the food data and it will calculate it for you. Fat is made up of Carbs, Fats, and Proteins not used over time. To see how many potentially could be in your food use this calculator.

    What Is One Rep Max?

    One rep maximum (one repetition maximum, or 1RM) in weight training, is the maximum amount of weight one can lift in a single repetition for a given exercise. One rep maximum can be used for determining an individual's maximum strength, and is the method for determining the winner in events such as powerlifting and weightlifting competitions. One rep maximum can also be used as an upper limit, in order to determine the desired "load" for an exercise (as a percentage of the 1RM).

    Product News & Updates

    Be FitTM Coming Soon...
    After many requests the software that everyone is looking for is on the horizon. Coming soon Be Fit will be the all in one solution to your physical and dietary needs. This will be a great breakthrough with all of the features of both widgets included, this will be a program to rival all others.

    Calorie TrackerTM Updated
    The Calorie Tracker is the best way to track how many calories that you gain by eating food. This displays the amount of calories, fat, proteins... from the nutrition facts label on the sides of all food. Our new and improved interface makes it easier to navigate the lists of food and also gives many more intuitive options that will be very useful when counting calories taken in from food.
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