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Our clients deserve the best and so do you. Have a project let us help you get it done!

Our Clients

Don Foshay's Discount Tire & Alignment
We created this site, and tried to be as original as possible to what the client wanted. Flash videos that stream along with custom php areas such as the customer support center, link exchange and the online appointment scheduler were just some of the custom elements of this great site.


Ru Pei Pearls
We worked closely with this company to create an indentity that would help them maximize sales as well as working with photographers to get great macro product shots. The site was coded in HTML and Javascript. It is template based so that the owners of each franchise can control their own pricing structure.


The Ditrolio Family
We created the website layout and coding for the Ditrolio Family Missionaries to Argentina. They wanted a site that would set them apart and show their unique personality. The site uses DHTML and Javascript. We included a blog and lots of great information. The layout was done in Photoshop and Illustrator.


Seacoast Chapel
Seacoast Chapel was in need of a great website idea. We came up with a design idea that was both trendy and that flowed well. We implemented the entire site with Custom PHP coding with a dynamic CMS backend that allowed anyone to update the website content.


Get a Free, No Obligation Design Quote Online.

Our professional sales staff will promptly review your request and provide you with an estimate based on the amount of work your project requires, usually within one business day. All proposals are valid for 60 days from the date of submission and are subject to change. Only proposals that are agreed upon by both parties and signed by the customer will result in any charges.

Please fill out the form completely.

The more we know about your project, the better we can meet your needs and provide you with an accurate quote. However, we realize that the specifications of a project can sometimes change quickly. Jon Brown Designs Incorporated is committed to providing the flexibility necessary to meet your needs.

Looking For: Experienced PHP Programmer

We are expanding and with that we have many features that we want to bring to the website that currently our staff is not able to offer to our customer base. We are looking for a PHP programmer that is interesting in joining our staff and work with us to help create a website that is dynamic and also user friendly! Our goal is instead of porting our software products for the PC platform to take that to the next level and port all of our paid for programs to the web and create dynamic web based programs for the pc user to use from any web browser anywhere in the world! Our respective candidate would have at least 1 year of PHP experience and be up for a challenge! We are also looking to add functionality to our download purchase area that is currently not there such as an area for users to edit and update their personal information for later use all tied into our database back end.

Targeted Web Advertiser

We are excited about this new product and we want everyone to know about this. If you have experience with web advertising especially banner, reciprocal links, badge ads and more then please apply for this position. We are looking for someone with a passion for what they do. Must be proficient with Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Want to Apply?

Email our team with your work experience and resume. Please also include a letter of reference from three places and a cover letter is required. These positions are highly coveted, if you are chosen then you will become a member of the team, all design jobs taken in as a design firm will be delegated to the appropriate designer / coder based on their area of expertise. If a project or portion of a project is awarded to an employee of JBD then the employee will be entitled to compensation for each hour spent on the project.

Product News & Updates

Be FitTM Coming Soon...
After many requests the software that everyone is looking for is on the horizon. Coming soon Be Fit will be the all in one solution to your physical and dietary needs. This will be a great breakthrough with all of the features of both widgets included, this will be a program to rival all others.

Calorie TrackerTM Updated
The Calorie Tracker is the best way to track how many calories that you gain by eating food. This displays the amount of calories, fat, proteins... from the nutrition facts label on the sides of all food. Our new and improved interface makes it easier to navigate the lists of food and also gives many more intuitive options that will be very useful when counting calories taken in from food.
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