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The Calorie Counter 4.3

The Calorie Counter is a Dashboard widget that is simple and easy to use and is vital to determining your physical health. All you do is imput your current weight and then imput the amount of miles that you ran or will run and then the widget will calculate how many calories you have burned or will burn.


The Calorie Tracker 3.0

The Calorie Tracker is the best way to track how many calories that you gain by eating food. This displays the amount of calories, fat, proteins... from the nutrition facts label on the sides of all food. Our new and improved interface makes it easier to navigate the lists of food and also gives many more intuitive options that will be very useful when counting calories taken in from food.


Time Machine 2.0

Time Machine allows you to input any date past or future and it will tell you what day of the week it was or is on. Great for planning events or trips, also to satisfy your curiosity what day was the birth of Christ or exactly what day did WWII break out on you can find it all out here!

Dog Year Calculator 1.0

The Dog Year Calculator. See exactly how old you really are in dog years. Stop guessing and start calculating. This great widget will answer the question how old is your dog?


Pig Latin Translator 1.0

Pig Latin Translator is a Dashboard widget that allows you to enter any text and have it translated into pig latin. Simply enter the text into the speech bubble and click the pig to translate.


The Population Counter 2.0

This widget simply calcuates the population of the world. It takes into consideration death rates and birth rates. Its a fun widget to watch the population of the earth increase!


Search The Web Beta

You can search the internet from within Dashboard. This is an easy to use widget and great for finding something quickly and easily. It minimizes and allows you to save space in the Dashboard also it includes an update checker o check when new releases are released.

Birthstone Widget 2.0

The Birthstone Finder widget alows you to search by month and it will display your birthstone. It displays the stone of the current month or you can choose a stone from the back. You can also look at all the stones on the back of the widget.


Federal Deficit Counter 2.0

This is a widget that simulates the counter in New York City also as you see the national deficit increase you can see the social security fund as it fluxuates against the national debt. I admit this one isnt much fun to watch!


Product News & Updates

Be FitTM Coming Soon...
After many requests the software that everyone is looking for is on the horizon. Coming soon Be Fit will be the all in one solution to your physical and dietary needs. This will be a great breakthrough with all of the features of both widgets included, this will be a program to rival all others.

Calorie TrackerTM Updated
The Calorie Tracker is the best way to track how many calories that you gain by eating food. This displays the amount of calories, fat, proteins... from the nutrition facts label on the sides of all food. Our new and improved interface makes it easier to navigate the lists of food and also gives many more intuitive options that will be very useful when counting calories taken in from food.
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