
BeFit Tracker for macOS, your ultimate calorie tracking app.

BeFit Dark
BeFit Light
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Contacts Icon
BBEdit Icon
BeFit Icon
XCode Icon
Chat Icon
Dock Right Icon

About BeFit Tracker


"BeFit Tracker for MacOS and iOS allows you to effortlessly look up caloric details on over 5000+ food items and add them to custom tracking lists. See how your intake per list compares against your recommended caloric intake goal. Scan foods not in the database and more. BeFit Tracker is your ultimate caloric companion towards good health."

BeFit Tracker for iOS now with BMI Insights

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BF 7

Seafood Guide for iOS, your your sustainable fish companion.

SG 2
SG 4
SG 6

About Seafood Guide


"The Seafood Guide, by Food & Water Watch, is a valuable tool that lets you quickly look up seafood items to tell if they are invasive, sustainable and on their dirty dozen list of fish to avoid."

Animal Age for macOS, calculate the age of your pet.

Dog Age Light
Dog Age Dark
Dock Icon
Chat Icon
Animal Age Icon
BBEdit Icon
Contacts Icon
Dock Icon Right

About Dog Age Tracker


"Convert the ages of various animals against human lifespans. See life expectancies based on different breeds of animals. Track your pet's age and information right from your iPhone in the App."

Quickly gauge animal lifespans against other animal breeds.

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