COVID-19 Update - DC, MD & VA ALL Issue mandatory stay at home orders

At 3:00pm ET today Maryland’s Governor Larry Hogan, used the emergency broadcast system to alert all MD residents that there is now as of 8pm ET on March 30th, 2020 a stay at home mandate starting at 8pm ET.
Public Safety Alert Public Health Emergency Announcement: Gov. Hogan issued a Stay-at-Home Order, effective at 8pm tonight. No Marylander should leave their home unless it is for an essential reason. Gatherings are limited to 10 or fewer. Grocery stores and essential services remain open. We are counting on you to help us stop the virus.
People should only leave their homes for absolutely essential reasons like buying food or seeking medical care.
People are allowed to leave their homes to exercise in accordance with social distancing guidelines; go grocery shopping; go to an educational institution to pick up food; work an essential job; care for a relative or friend; care for livestock or pets; visit their own businesses for minimal operations and go to government buildings for necessary purposes, according to the order.
Update: DC and Virginia have both joined the mandatory stay at home order. Violation of the order is a misdemeanor and punishable by a $5,000 and 90 days in jail, Bowser’s office said. Read more at our linked sources.