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New $329 iPad offers Apple Pencil Support

New $329 iPad offers Apple Pencil Support, Powerful A10 Fusion Processor and Educa-tional Discounts Last week, Apple debuted its latest iPad model with powerful capabilities and keeping its promise of deliv-ering a budget tablet. At its “Let’s Take a Field Trip” event held last Tuesday at a local Chicago public school, Apple premiered its newest, sixth generation 9.7 inch iPad model. The new model starts at $329 for the 32GB model, but schools benefit from educational discounts to purchase at $299 each. Next level models include a second Wi-Fi +...


Apple Introduces New iPad with Apple Pencil Support, Updates iWork

At a special education event on March 27th, Apple introduced a new 9.7-inch iPad that offers faster performance, support for the Apple Pencil, and a few new camera-related features. The company also released new versions of the iWork apps—Pages, Numbers, and Keynote—that let users draw, sketch, and write with the Apple Pencil. Sixth-generation iPad For the most part, the new sixth-generation iPad is the same as the fifth-generation model it replaces. Its physical dimensions are unchanged, so existing cases and accessories should continue to work. It comes in the same...


Did You Know You Can Put Shadows on Text You Type on the Mac?

Snazzy shadowed text probably isn’t appropriate for your company’s annual report, but if you’re whipping up a flyer for a birthday party, you might want to jazz up the text. You can do that in most Mac apps that support macOS’s system-level Fonts palette. Select your text, and then bring up the Fonts palette. Generally speaking, such as in Pages and TextEdit, you do that by choosing Format > Font > Show Fonts, though the exact location may vary by app. Then click the shadowed T button toward the right...


View Notes in Their Own Windows, and Float Them Over Everything Else

Here’s one for those who use Apple’s Notes app for storing bits of information. By default, Notes in macOS gives you a single window, with each note listed in a sidebar. But what if you want to see two notes at once? Or keep one always available no matter what else you’re doing? Select the desired notes in the sidebar by Command-clicking them, and then choose Window > Float Selected Notes to open them in their own windows. Or, just double-click them in the sidebar! Then, to make sure one...


Apple’s Family Sharing Simplifies Sharing Purchases and Managing Kid Capabilities

Family life is all about togetherness, but keeping track of who’s doing what when can be tough. Apple’s Family Sharing service makes it easy to share apps, media, and more within a family of up to six members, and it provides a few helpful digital housekeeping capabilities, such as locating your kid’s misplaced iPad. Here’s an overview of how Family Sharing can enhance your family’s everyday life, both online and in the real world. Manage Your Kids’ Purchases Every Family Sharing group has an organizer. That person (probably you) sets...


How to Stop Your iPad Ringing When Your iPhone Rings

Have you had an incoming call and seen all your Apple devices light up and had your iPad start ringing with your iPhone? Here’s how to fix it! This scenario has happened to many Apple users who have multiple devices, where they are picking up their iPhones to answer calls but hear ringing in other parts of their home or office where their other Apple devices are also ringing! Quite a commotion really! This is one of those add-on features that Apple offers that you might just not need to...