The Importance of Training

We all learn differently. While some individuals can read instructions one time and know what to do, there are others who benefit from being taught visually or by ‘doing’. Regardless of how you learn, having a single approach for everyone isn’t ideal.
The one thing we do know about learning, or training, is that when it comes to cybersecurity, repetition is important. That doesn’t mean taking the same course every quarter, or re reading the manual once a year. Smart and safe cyber practices are critical to your business’s success. And human error is the number one reason that breaches occur. You and your colleagues are your company’s greatest risk, but also your greatest asset.
Our Approach
We offer ongoing and interactive training. Why? Because to stay secure, you need keep up with cybercriminals and their ever-changing tactics. This isn’t a one-and-done approach. Cyber-crimes are always adapting to the way we live and work, so we need to adapt to mitigate the risks. These nefarious characters want to catch you off guard. Which means that as soon as a new device is released, a pop culture story becomes news, or a pandemic hits the world, they are ready to dupe you. That might mean they’ll come after your money, your identification, or hit you with a slow burn that gets them into your business, and you don’t realize it until months later…but they are there lurking and waiting for their next score.
Everyday Habits
Our approach mixes video training, with integrated tools that teach on the job. This will help to address not only the variety of ways that people learn, but also the variety of ways that you can be targeted! If you are a current client and want to ensure that you’re maximizing the tools and resources that we offer, or you’re new here and interested in learning more about how you can work with our team to protect your business, let’s talk today!