Grove Designs
Logo & Brand
Based largely on the branding of our parent company Grove Technologies. The purple signifies our bold approach to functional design.
App Development / UX
Company Size
Washington D.C., United States
Years in Business
2 Years
Visit Site

Grove Designs allowed us to showcase the apps Jon Brown built for the most part his own personal enjoyment but also his passion for good, functional and usable design practices.

In 2020 in the midst the global pandemic. Jon Brown showcased the final versions of many passion projects that have been worked on for years prior. BeFit, Calorie Counter, and finally MTM (Munki Theme Maker) an open source utility to allow users to improve upon the user experience for Munki a popular open source management tool beloved by macOS administrators globally.

In 2019 Jon Brown gave a talk about user experience, and the importance of branding as it pertained to building trust from an IT department and IT services space. The talk focused on good design, functional storytelling and the proper perspective on branding as it pertained to trust within an organization.

While Grove Designs never took off, it was a great way to illustrate our versatility in the marketplace. Not only are we born out of a desire to help organizations succeed but it showed we had the accumen to think about the other variables that influence the core of our business model, good relationship building and a passion for transparency.

Grove Designs was officially closed in 2021. Jon's apps are still on the macOS and iOS app store and are being actively maintained.

BeFit Featured
MTM Featured
Grove Featured
Animal Age Featured

A historical view of our approach to design over time

Grove Designs Closed but Apps Maintained
The website at the time highlighted our commitment functional design and showcased some excellent UI/UX work. Developed with Tailwind CSS, HTML 5, and Javascript. Hosted on GitHub using the Jekyll CMS.
Grove launches Grove Designs arm to showcase portfolio of UI/UX work.
This website was developed by Jon Brown in 2021 highlights the simplicity of the app portfolio and design services arm of the business. Developed with Tailwind CSS, HTML 5, and Javascript. Hosted on GitHub using the Jekyll CMS.
Mac Admins Talk on Branding & Trust
Jon Brown provides talk about Branding and Trust at Mac Admins conference at Penn State University.

Insights from Jon Brown CEO of Grove Technologies


"Steve Jobs once said: “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” That is so very true. Its not just relegated to products but also services as well which was the heartbeat of Grove. "