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bash-scripts ard munki

Deploy Firmware Passwords

Theres no doubt that the security of our computers these days is a very sensitive topic. I have helped several of my clients protect their Mac systems by setting firmware passwords. But what if you have hundreds or thousands of computers you want to have a firmware password set on? What if you don’t have the luxury of a system like JAMF Pro or its predecesor the Casper Suite? Enter Munki, one of the most versatile, open source Mac Management tools. If your reading this you likely already have Munki....

bash-scripts ard automator

Enable Accessibility Apps via ARD

I am always looking for ways to use Automator to make my life easier. Its a great tool that offers some impressive capabilities, my favorite of course is the ability to record UI events and convert that into a workflow or even a stand-alone app that you can then deploy and run via ARD. Sounds simple right? Well one little hitch, Apple wont let you run the automated UI apps made in automator without first adding them to the accessibility section of OSX. Creating an app that can run a...