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outlook-2016 migration microsoft osx-system-administration

Migrate Outlook 2016 Profile from one Mac to another Mac

I recently had to help a client move from one Mac to another, during the process one task proved more challenging than originally anticipated. I wanted to share my info in the event that it helps someone out there. In Outlook 2016 for Mac, Microsoft in its infinite wisdom, has changed the default location of the email profile folder. The new location is not well documented, and I stumbled upon it on an obscure forum post, the location is ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile this folder needs to be copied...


dns-settings migration osx-system-administration Web-Server wiki-server

10.8 to 10.9 Server Upgrade

Setting up OS X Server has never been easier. Neither has upgrading OS X Server. In this article, we’ll look at upgrading a Mac from OS X 10.8 running Server 2 to OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) running Server 3. The first thing you should do is clone your system. The second thing you should do is make sure you have a good backup. The third thing you should do is make sure you can swap back to the clone should you need to do so and that your data will...

migration wiki-server

Migrating a Stubborn Wiki Server 10.7 / 10.8

It is true that not all migrations are equal and even truer that issues always arise during a migration that seem to be unique to our server setup that are outside of the general advice put forth by Apple in their knowledgeable articles. Moving the wiki server either to a different operating system or to a different computer is no exception. While I admire Apples attempt at making a Wiki and integrating it with their services, the product itself has been unsupported and buggy from the beginning. Great for small...