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cloud-computing osx-system-administration product-reviews Web-Server reviews

Manage your Macs on a budget

Let me preface this article by saying that Munki is an open source tool that allows system administrators trying to take hold of their Macintosh environment with little to no budget. Munki is a tool that was developed by a systems administrator over at Disney Animation Studio’s. It is now used by small companies and large alike (Disney & Google). Now its also true that both of these giant’s also use Casper a top shelf product by JAMF software. Munki has a few things going for it. It has a...

cloud-computing Web-Server

Web Help Desk on Amazon EC2

If your like me you have run several servers and you have learned that running your own servers and server hardware either locally or remotely is a huge commitment. A commitment of time, money and precious resources that many in the IT community can not afford. Since the inception of virtual environments people have been making their lives easier with simpler more disposable methods of hosting and that is what led me to the holy grail of virtual environments the Amazon EC2 server. We have been looking at several help...