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New Ransomware Attack Alert: BadRabbit

A new strain of ransomware called BadRabbit is spreading through Eastern Europe. Likely created by the same authors as the Petya/Not Petya ransomware outbreak in June, BadRabbit ransomware uses a website to drop a fake Flash update and then drops its payload. Bad Rabbit Lock Screen Countries we know to be impacted so far are Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Germany, with attacks centered on targets as wide-ranging as infrastructure, transportation, and media outlets. It is unknown at this time whether the attack will continue to spread, but it does...

tips product-reviews

With iOS11, Freeing Up Space on your iPhone is Easier

Apple’s listened to feedback and now offers a quick way to free up space on your iPhone or iPad via iOS 11. Apple’s latest software release iOS 11, available for download via the App Store on your iPhone or iPad, offers a quick way to free up space now on your iPhone or iPad via suggested options. You can find these suggestions via the Settings app (black gears on gray background icon). To use the space saving options, open the Settings app and scroll down to General. Click on General...

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Apple Promotes Launch of Chicago Michigan Avenue Store

On Thursday, Apple announced the launch of its new Chicago store on Michigan Avenue and new events to be hosted at the new Apple store. Apple’s latest Apple Store is one of its most ambitious. Located on Michigan Avenue in Chicago, the store is designed with community in mind and connects North Michigan Avenue, Pioneer Court and the Chicago River. Apple worked closely with the city of Chicago, reviewing historical records, to develop the store design on the riverfront in the heart of the city. Launching Friday Oct 20th Apple...

tips product-reviews

Creating your own Control Center

With iOS11 now on your iPhone or iPad, the latest revision to the control center allows you to customize which items are shown and all the controls have been consolidated onto a single screen, the controls are also grouped and organized, here is how to hit the ground running with the new control center. The default controls are now , Flight Mode, Mobile data, WIFI, Bluetooth, Music, Screen Lock, Do not disturb brightness , Volume, Screen Mirroring, Torch, timer, Calculator, and the Camera. For myself Screen Mirroring, Mobile Data, and...

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Edge is coming to iOS

Not being a massive Microsoft aficionado I cannot say that I am a major fan of what has been called the Wintel environment. However it is a necessary evil and if you purchase your hardware from a good manufacturer such as HP or Dell, and do not but the cheapest offering Windows machines are not the glorified food trays they once could be. The main reason for Microsoft bringing Edge to iOS will be to integrate the “Continue on PC” feature of Windows 10. This has been available on iOS...

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Apple Opening Up Ecosystem to Allow Third-Party Development Offers New Growth Potential

While initially it made sense for Apple to keep strong limitations on third-party access, the company has moved towards relaxing standards in the past year and open up platform for third-party development. Apple is known for having stricter standards than other companies and associated software platforms, both for security reasons and maintaining the company’s standards for product development. However, in recent years, the company has opened up its platform and ecosystem increasingly to third-party developers while still maintaining high standards. HomeKit Integration At its most recent WWDC event this past...