Join me on my journey as I share my insights and experiences on web development, business, and content creation.
A few helpful JAMF extension attributes for Computers As I continue to build out my JAMF Github Repo it was no surprise that JAMF Extensions are one of the key and fundamental elements and features that gives JAMF that edge as an MDM. Scoping is a key part of what makes an MDM so powerful and the ability to group, report and then scope to specific custom values is what sets it apart. In that vein, I have put together some of my computer JAMF extensions that I use and...
About App Configs and Managed Preferences As I work on building out my JAMF Github Repo I am constantly looking at sharing some of the configurations that have worked for me and saved me time and effort. Many of these came from the JAMF Library, but some I wrote specifically due to tools and workflows that I had to tackle in my very own ecosystem. The following iOS App Configs were helpful in automating the configuration of key iOS apps. Some of these were a direct result of the AppConfig...
The Problem For those who have worked with macOS for a while the struggle of managing secure tokens on macOS is a very real one. Lets start off with the basics. What is a secure token? On a Mac, a secure token is an account attribute that allows users to carry out essential macOS functions, such as activating FileVault, authorizing system and kernel extensions, and managing software updates. The secure token is typically granted to the first account created on a workstation, so many administrators struggle with managing computers that...
The Problem Its been a while since I have used Automox, but the premise of the tool is that it automatically patches your macOS, Linux and Windows workstations. for macOS it does this using a service account created with username _automoxserviceaccount and this account needs a secure token. The issue here is that when the package is deployed the secure token is not transferred to that account which means that it most cases it can’t apply macOS updates. To solve this Automox provides a script that you can use to...
Challenges with Git & GitHub One of the key challenges with git and GitHub is wanting to commit code when you have multiple repositories on your local desktop. There are lots of ways to accomplish the task of committing code with git to GitHub, the strategy that I want to discuss in this tutorial is the process of using deploy-keys defined at the repo level and a configuration file defined to call the right key depending on which repository you happen to be working in. This approach makes it easier...