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Symptoms Section in the Health App under iOS 13.6 Beta

Have you ever been to the Doctors gotten home and thought “I forgot to ask about the pain in my side”?, Well the iOS health App will be there to help when the new update hits. The ‘Symptoms’ area shows users being able to add symptoms of illnesses including muscle ache, nausea, appetite change, & dizziness. Users of the Health App will be able to add symptoms using the Health app giving you a way to track symptoms that relate to illness. Users can add details about each of their...


Got a Mac Laptop Heres What You Need to Know about Battery Health Management in Catalina

We all want Mac laptops that can run for days on a single charge and never need their batteries serviced. Sadly, we’re always going to be disappointed. Battery and power management technologies continually improve, but those improvements are matched by more powerful processors and smaller designs with less room for battery cells. And, because physics is a harsh mistress, current lithium-ion batteries are always going to age chemically, so they hold less of a charge over time. In the just-released macOS 10.15.5 Catalina, Apple has introduced a new battery health...


Top 10 Essential Mac Tips and Tricks for 2020

1. Speak to your Mac! The Mac’s ability to listen and talk is excellent using Dictation. Since Siri’s launch on the Apple line-up this has eclipsed the Dictation feature. Hold Command-Space for a few seconds, or press Command-Space and type Siri, if you are using a recent Mac (any Mac since 2018 pretty much) say ‘Hey Siri’. You may need to open System Preferences > Siri and make sure it is enabled. Siri on the Mac is more powerful in Mojave and Catalina; Siri can even control system functions hold...

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Find Files in the Finder Better by Specifying a Search Scope

This isn’t about periscopes or mouthwash—when it comes to searching, a scope is the area in which a search takes place. When you use the Search field in a Finder window to look for files and folders, you have the choice of two scopes: This Mac or the current folder. You can always switch the scope after starting the search by clicking the other choice near the top of the window, but it’s easier to set the default search scope in Finder > Preferences > Advanced so it’s set right...

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Apple and Googles contact tracing API gaining momentum

The Covid-19 (coronavirus) contact tracing API from Apple & Google has yet to be adopted across the board with countries opting to produce their own systems. However, some countries such as Switzerland are now switching from their own system to the contact tracing API, with other countries such as Portugal & Ireland choosing to adopt the solution from Apple & Google. With Austria and Switzerland announcing they will be switching to it Countries across the globe that have managed to control the rate of infection are looking for contact tracing apps...

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Approve App Authentication Requests with Your Apple Watch in Catalina

Tired of typing your admin account password whenever you try to install software or change security settings on your Mac? A new feature in macOS 10.15 Catalina removes that requirement for Apple Watch owners. In System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General, select the checkbox for “Use your Apple Watch to unlock apps and your Mac.” Then, whenever an app asks for your account credentials, you can instead just double-press the side button on your Apple Watch. Of course, if you forgot to wear it or its battery has...

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