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Reflecting on a Transformative Journey: From Entrepreneur to Cybersecurity Leader

As 2025 begins, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the transformative journey I’ve undertaken over the past few years. It’s been a whirlwind, filled with growth, learning, and exciting challenges. 2022: Closing One Chapter In 2022, I sold the company I had poured my heart and soul into for nearly a decade. For nine and a half years, I ran that business as its CEO, primary consultant, and wearer of every other hat imaginable. Growing the business and eventually selling it was a monumental achievement, but it also marked...

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Good Cybersecurity policies, procedures, guidelines take time. They're not rushed and aren't rubber stamped

Cybersecurity is no longer a luxury or an afterthought—it’s an absolute necessity. But how can you tell if the company you work for, as a security professional, truly values cybersecurity? Let’s explore some clear indicators that demonstrate a company’s commitment to implementing robust security practices in-house. A company passionate about cybersecurity doesn’t treat it as a one-time project or a compliance checkbox. Instead, security is deeply embedded in their culture and operations. Organizations that take cybersecurity seriously prioritize it from the top down, with leadership advocating for and investing in...

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Is it time to stop getting certified in your field?

The Struggles with Certification in the IT Industry In the IT field, certifications often appear to be the golden ticket and in many cases the fast track to success. They signal expertise, validate skills, and provide a sense of accomplishment. However, the heavy reliance on certifications in the industry brings a host of challenges, and many professionals, like myself, find themselves questioning the value, timing, and necessity of these credentials. Lets explore the psychology of certifications, the phenomenon of over-certification, and the impact on career progression, including managerial and mentorship...

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Managing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for Android with Microsoft Intune

Blog Series Securing BYOD Email Access: Exploring Strategies in Microsoft 365 BYO with me in 2025: iOS with User Enrollment in JAMF Pro Managing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for Android with Microsoft Intune BYOD For Android using Microsoft Intune Alright, so today we’re going to be talking about the management of bring your own device BYOD for Android devices. There’s a lot of information out there for the management of iOS devices and you can do that with pretty much any Apple MDM on the market. We just happen...

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Amphetamine: The Ultimate Mac Utility to Keep Your Computer Awake

Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital world, keeping your computer awake during important tasks is crucial. Enter Amphetamine, a powerful utility designed specifically for Mac users. This app ensures that your system remains active, preventing it from going to sleep or activating the screensaver when you need it most. In this article, we will explore the features of Amphetamine, how to use it effectively, and why it’s a must-have for Mac admins and everyday users alike. What is Amphetamine? Amphetamine is a versatile application available on the Mac App Store that...

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Are you starting a consulting business in 2025? What you need to know.

Starting a Consulting Company in 2025: What You Need to Know As more professionals leave the security of full-time employment to pursue consulting, the idea of starting your own business becomes both inspiring and daunting. While the freedom to shape your career and work on your own terms is alluring, it’s critical to understand that building a successful consulting business involves significant planning, preparation, and risk. This blog post explores the realities of starting a consulting company in 2025, offering practical advice and insights into the careful groundwork required to...

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