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reviews video

Hancock Walkthrough and Review

Hancock: PSU MacAdmins Hackathon 2016 Winner! Back in 2016 Hancock was created at the MacAdmins PSU conference at the Hackathon and took the award for “Biggest Time Saver” thank you Jeremy Agostino for a great little utility!! I use this often and wanted to share this utility with my followers to share some of the tools that I use on the regular with my Mac followers. If you found this tool useful please follow Jeremy Agostino here. Citation: Hancock is a GUI tool for signing packages and mobileconfig files....

tips press video

Get more out of scripting than you may expect

What is Expect? Expect is an extension to the Tcl scripting language written by Don Libes. The program automates interactions with programs that expose a text terminal interface. Expect, originally written in 1990 for the Unix platform, has since become available for Microsoft Windows and other systems. [Wikipedia] Don Libes is a computer scientist at NIST performing computer science research on interoperability. I just think its cool to call out and connect creators of tools that we see and use today and I encourage you to connect with him on...

tips press video

Cybersecurity is more than having the right tools

What is Cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is the convergence of people, processes and technology that come together to protect organizations. Notice that technology is the last part here. People, that’s you and I. We’re first. Without us, there is no cybersecurity. We are the first line of defense. We tend to forget that. I don’t why we forget that but as systems administrators we do. Processes, cybersecurity is 99% documentation, writing, that’s what it is, if you do not like writing policies and procedures, and enforcing them and potentially making enemies with...

snipe video tutorials

Installing Docker & Portainer on DietPi for Snipe-IT

Blog Series Setting up SNIPE-IT with DietPi on a Raspberry Pi Installing Docker & Portainer on DietPi for Snipe-IT Securing Raspberry Pi with Reverse Proxy and or Cloudflare Proxy Tunnel Setting up Snipe-IT on Portainer with DietPi Installing Docker, Portainer and SSL At this stage were assuming your still connected to the Raspberry Pi via a monitor. If you’re already SSH’d into the machine great your one step ahead. Now that we have the Rasberry Pi setup we need to set up Docker. Why? Because eventually, we will use the...

reviews video

Platypus Walkthrough and Review

Platypus: Build your own Mac Apps with Scripts! Platypus is an amazing Mac Admins utility that allows you to take virtually any script and convert it into a GUI Application. Lets take a look at what it is and what it can do. Ok so the first thing we need is a scrip to get started with so lets start with a script that I wrote to determine if Google Drive is running. As you can see this simple script just checks to see if its running and returns a...

snipe video tutorials

Setting up SNIPE-IT with DietPi on a Raspberry Pi

Blog Series Setting up SNIPE-IT with DietPi on a Raspberry Pi Installing Docker & Portainer on DietPi for Snipe-IT Securing Raspberry Pi with Reverse Proxy and or Cloudflare Proxy Tunnel Setting up Snipe-IT on Portainer with DietPi How to setup Rasberry Pi The first step in setting up SNIPE-IT is to setup the platform that it will run on. Luckily the best platform and most economical is a Rasberry Pi. We are using a Rasberry Pi 3 in this case. Before we get too far we need to pick the...